Friday, February 14, 2014

Watchin' You

Watchin' You

The eyes are the windows to your soul--eh, shouldn't that just be creepy and not poetic?
To me it is, sorry. Why would you want some dude to look you in the eyes and see your soul? "There's a thing called privacy dude! Back off." When a guy looks at me, I want him to see me, not my soul--in which I don't even know what my soul looks like! 

Eyes are really sort of funky and…weird. They can give out expressions and emotions that we sometimes wish we could hide.
Oh, so that's why they say 'eyes are the windows to your soul', right?
Either way--these eyeballs should be your secret weapon. Flirt with them, get some tears in them, some eyeball rolling, and some winking and blinking--that's all normal. Just be careful with what you let your eyes reveal…for some things are fine to keep.
